Monday, November 30, 2015

Too Long of a Weekend?

Currently listening to: Never Not Knitting Podcast: Episode 90: Sweatoo You!

This past week was filled with so many crafts! First off, it's only recently where I started getting two day weekends.  Well, because it was Thanksgiving weekend I actually got 5 days off and it was definitely needed!

For Thanksgiving, I didn't really do much.  I don't know if I mentioned this before but I'm currently a full time student and I work almost full time.  Well on Thanksgiving, I spent almost the whole day working on my paper.  Because of the deadlines I was not able to really spend time with family and what not but my boyfriend did bring me back some yummy food!

Well anyways, I was able to finish all of my school work since I had all day to work on it. The rest of the weekend consisted of my crafting!

As shown in my previous post, I got my background fabric for my Hashtag Quilt! So I wanted to get started on it as soon as possible so I can finish quickly and have a finished quilt.  Well... it took three attempts before I started getting it right! It was terrible!!

So the Hashtag quilt is my first quilt ever! That means I've never done any kind of quilting of any kind.  This also includes free motion quilting.  The first time I tried quilting, it seemed like either my hands were moving too fast and machine was too slow or the total opposite of where my hands were too slow and the machine was too fast! So I ripped everything out.  Unfortunately I totally forgot to take a picture.

Then I decided I'm just gonna use a decorative stitch on my machine and just go straight down.  Well.. I finished one line and I was super excited because I finally got something on my quilt! Well then I went to do my second line... and I have no clue what happened but I did take a picture!

Yeahhhh.... so I ripped out all of that.  Now you can understand my frustration... it's my first time doing any kind of actual quilting and so far it's been a horrible experience! Well, I went back to watching YouTube videos and my Craftsy classes and I attempted it again! And so far so good!! I'll have an update post when the quilt is complete!

Well, on Saturday I got pretty sick so I wasn't really able to walk around or use much energy so I decided to work on my English Paper Piecing! I'm planning on making this into a quilt! It's pretty tiny so far compared to my other English Paper Piecing but I'm making small progress.  It is pretty scrappy!

I don't have any specific way of making this.  I just make flowers from 7 hexies randomly then I just connect everything together. 

After I did some thinking! I absolutely love knitting but ever since I moved I just lost my knitting mojo completely! Well my boyfriend loves the socks that I make him so for motivation I decided to make him a pair of socks!

I'm using a beautiful sock blank from Gale's Art! This sock blank really inspired to knit because I want to know what the sock will look like from this cool sock blank!

I think my sock knitting mojo is back for a little bit and I'm definitely planning on buying more of these sock blanks!

Most of this past weekend involved me working on the quilt once I started feeling better but I feel like I got so much done! I never feel like this! Hahaha (: 

I'm going to try and hurry up and get the quilt finished so I can post up pictures!

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