Saturday, November 21, 2015

Joann's Haul: 11/21/15

Currently watching: Grey's Anatomy

So earlier this week as I was procrastinating I came upon a really cute quilt I want to make that doesn't have a video tutorial! Shocker! Isn't it? The quilt I found is from the blog Sew Fresh Quilts who is ran by a lovely individual named Lorna! I have been subscribe to her blog for a short amount of time but I instantly fell in love with her adorable patterns! The quilt I came upon is called Dog Gone Cute!

Well anyways, I ended up purchasing the quilt pattern as well as some fabric for the future quilt! Now a quick disclaimer, I have no clue what the names of the fabric are.  I know I'm absolutely terrible but the names were not provided on the fat quarters that I purchased and I forgot to look at the name on the bolt! I know.. I'm terrible.

I wanted to make the dogs gray and tan/brown! When I was purchasing the fabric, I think I had like 20 minutes before I had to get out of the store and go to work with my next client! Here's the fat quarters I got!

The black fat quarter is for the nose and the pink is for the ears of the dog! I hope when I finally start working on it, the quilt doesn't look too crazy! I'm just a sucker for patterned fabric!

I also found this gorgeous blue fabric for the borders of the fabric! I wanted it to look like the sky! So I thought the little birdies really topped it all off!

 Surprisingly, that's the end of this haul! Like I said, I didn't really have time to look around as much as I usually do! 

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