Friday, November 6, 2015

New Beginnings

So this is the first post!

I only started this blog so I can reference back to it one day to see my journey!

Right now I'm very much into quilting!  Well making quilt tops since I never really quilted a whole quilt before.  I always wanted a sewing machine but never really had the opportunity to purchase one until recently and ever since my purchase I've made a couple of items.  After practicing with my scraps, the first two items I made were two pillow cases! The tutorial I used is from a video from Professor Pincushion!

Well after I made these two pillowcases I decided I really wanted to start making quilt tops! Before I purchased my sewing machine, I was very much into English Paper Piecing.  I tend to work on my English paper piecing during the weekends and my machine quilt tops throughout the week at night before I head to bed! Here's what I've done so far! It's just a bunch of hexagon flowers.

So before I got my sewing machine, I watched a lot of YouTube videos on quilting, specifically videos from Missouri Star Quilt Company! I came across the Hashtag Quilt video and I knew this one was going to be the first quilt I made but I really didn't like how tiny the hashtags were.  Well continuing my search for the perfect first quilt, I decided to purchase a Craftsy quilting class! And I found it!! The class I found was Pre-Cut Piecing Made Simple!  This class had the Hashtag Quilt but with bigger hashtags which is exactly what I was looking for!

For this quilt I decided to use a jellyroll from the Sweet Life by Pat Sloan for Moda Fabrics.

For this quilt you needed 30 hashtags! So far I have 18! I have 12 more to go!

I think for the fact that this is my first machine quilt top I'm doing pretty good! I know there are some mistakes here and there but everything is good so far!

 I do other things besides sewing.  I like to knit and crochet here and there.  I think that's all I really do.  Well I don't know when the next time I will post is but yay for the first post!

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